We had the good fortune of connecting with Gary Wales and we’ve shared our conversation below.

Hi Gary, what makes you happy? Why?
My Family, Friends & God. The relationships in my life are very important to me. They are all there for me whenever I need a pick me up. When I ask for support they are always there for me and I like to be there for them as well.

Can you open up a bit about your work and career? We’re big fans and we’d love for our community to learn more about your work.
I have been in the entertainment industry since I was around 6 years old, starting in community theatre and school performances. Later in 2011/12 I started to work my way into film and TV, doing extra work and student short films to grow my resume and to get material for my showreel. In 2014 I made my first short film called “2Late” which was made and filmed in Northern Ireland and got picked up by Amazon Prime. I continued to advance myself as an actor, studying performance and doing as much as I possibly could. Game of Thrones came around in 2015 where I portrayed Healtor Frey in Season 6 and after that my career advanced more. In 2017 my family and I left Ireland and moved back to Scotland where I started my production company GAW Films. In 2019 I collaborated with David Penman and by 2022, “RAGE” was born. RAGE is a multi award winning short film that shows the impact of drugs and domestic violence. After many years in the industry I have learned not to take any negativity from anyone, I did in the past which led me to dark places. My belief in and love for God came along and He made me the man I am today, strong, supportive, loving, and entertaining to everyone and anyone around me. My objective through my art is to make a change, make people think, to start conversations about difficult topics, and to make people laugh and smile.

Let’s say your best friend was visiting the area and you wanted to show them the best time ever. Where would you take them? Give us a little itinerary – say it was a week long trip, where would you eat, drink, visit, hang out, etc.
When a friend visits Scotland, I like to take them all around showing them the views, nature, and all that Scotland has to offer. I enjoy hiking the hills of Scotland and exploring my beautiful country. For sports we’re known for rugby and golf. One thing we’re also known for is our many castles and history which is why a lot of TV and film productions come here. Like Outlander, which is a great example because I would take them to the locations where it was filmed. It’s pretty interesting. We are known for having some great food as well and I love introducing a friend to traditional foods which is always funny to watch their faces when I tell them what it is. My favorite meal is a Scottish breakfast which consists of lorne sausage, link sausages, fried egg, streaky bacon, baked beans, black pudding and/or haggis, tattie scones, fried tomatoes, mushrooms, and toast. When my manager came here I took her for deep fried pizza but she wasn’t a fan.

Who else deserves some credit and recognition?
My family, Friends & God specifically, have always been incredibly supportive of my creative ventures. I owe a very special shout out to my manager, Elayne, who is my rock through the ups and downs I have in my career. I have many friends and peers in the industry as well that continue to encourage and support me on this wild roller coaster journey! I am grateful for everyone’s encouragement, especially during those times of discouragement.

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